Keith Phaneuf, CT Mirror state budget reporter

Launched in 2010, The Connecticut Mirror is the state’s trusted source for in-depth news and reporting on public policy, government and politics.

CT Mirror is nonprofit, non-partisan, and digital only.

Our mission is to produce original, in-depth, non-partisan journalism that informs Connecticut residents about the impact of public policy, holds government accountable, and engages and amplifies diverse voices and perspectives. Advancing this mission results in more informed and politically engaged residents, greater transparency in policy-making, and a stronger democracy.

CT Mirror’s staff consists of award-winning editors and reporters with decades of experience in Connecticut newsrooms or working for other national or state news operations.

Our staff also includes a publisher and other development professionals who work with foundations, philanthropists, businesses and readers like you to continue growing the newsroom. 88% of CT Mirror revenue is contributed by individuals and organizations who read and rely on our reporting.

We cover a range of public policy topics including the state budget, economic development, politics, education, health, justice, housing, the environment, legislation, and other areas of public policy.

Five of the six largest daily newspaper companies in Connecticut, the leading business newspaper in the state, and several hyperlocal news sites purchase and regularly publish CT Mirror content.

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