Posted inCT Viewpoints

CT takes fewer taxes from corporations than individuals

I have recently had the privilege of serving on a legislative commission studying Connecticut tax policy. In doing some initial calculations, I observed that our state appears to derive a surprisingly low portion of its total tax revenue from corporate income taxes compared to some other states. Compared to a cohort of other states including New England and all of the east, Connecticut tax policy has looked, over time, substantially less to corporations for revenue and increasingly more to individuals and households.

Posted inEducation, Health

Helping children cope with tragedies that don’t make the news

“The truth is that right now, San Bernardino, Sandy Hook, they have to be mass to get our attention,” Nelba Márquez-Greene said as she introduced a mental health conference held in honor of her daughter. “Kids suffer from violence, experiences, all kinds of losses, every day. And we’re missing that because maybe their specific tragedy doesn’t make it on the news.”