Posted inCT Viewpoints

My birth certificate is ‘fake news’

 Like any other adult person in Connecticut who was born in Hartford, I can go to Room 103 at City Hall, pay a fee, and get a certified copy of my birth certificate. I’ve done that.  I have it. There’s only one problem with that government-issued document – it’s not true. One could even go so far as to call it “fake news.”  I was, indeed born, at the date, time, and location listed on my birth certificate.  However, my mom didn’t give birth to me; I wasn’t conceived when my dad’s sperm met my mom’s egg.

Posted inCT Viewpoints

Lawmaker: Stricter gun laws haven’t made us safer

Ever since the tragedy at Sandy Hook, I have advocated for constructive and non-partisan solutions to reduce the potential for similar events. Connecticut reacted after that terrible act by passing the strictest gun control laws in the country, including bans on assault rifles, restrictions on magazine capacity, and universal background checks. Irrespective of any other value those policies may have, none of those things have made us even the least bit safer.

Posted inCT Viewpoints

Protecting students: More guns not the answer

President Trump has proposed that the answer to gun violence in schools is to arm teachers and bring guns into the classroom — an idea the vast majority of educators stand firmly against. The President’s plan is meant as a diversion from the real issue: the need for nationwide gun violence prevention laws, additional resources for school safety, and sustained funding for mental health services.