Posted inCT Viewpoints

Connecticut lawmakers on aid in dying: two decades of delay, deferral, obstruction

Very soon, members of the Connecticut House and Senate will be voting on HB6425, – the Medical Aid in Dying bill. More than 20 years ago, Oregon implemented its Death with Dignity Act. Since then, Washington, Vermont, California, Montana, Colorado, Maine, Washington DC, Hawaii and most recently New Mexico have passed legislation authorizing medical aid in dying for terminally ill adults. But not Connecticut.

Posted inCT Viewpoints

The intersection of race, class and gender in America’s childcare system: The class edition

When Michelle Obama declared that she wanted to become “Mom in Chief,” she spoke to a sentiment shared by many women, i.e. the desire to be the primary caregiver of their young children in their early years. Not unexpectedly, Mrs. Obama was derided for making that choice, highlighting how society stands ready to indict women […]