CT Mirror’s ‘Keep Democracy Afloat’ Boat Cruise

Touring the Thimble Islands aboard the Sea Mist

‘Keep Democracy Afloat’ Boat Cruise

Wednesday, July 27
Boarding at 5:45 PM; Launch at 6:00 PM; Return to dock at 8:00 PM
Casual dinner will be served on board

4 Indian Point Road, Branford, CT

Click Here To RSVP


Set your GPS to 4 Indian Point Road, Branford, CT. Take Exit 56 off I-95, drive south to Town Dock in Stony Creek.


Parking can be found on West Point Park/West Point Road near the dock. A limited number of handicap parking spots can be found at the dock at the end of Indian Point Road. Please observe all signs and avoid blocking driveways.

If you enjoy a longer but beautiful walk through the village, park at the Stony Creek Museum/Fire House, 84 Thimble Islands Road, Stony Creek, CT (three-quarter mile from Town Dock). Parking may also be available on West Point Road in Church of Christ parking lot for a $5 donation.


The Sea Mist has limited accessibility. There is a restroom on board, located on the lower deck. If you have questions regarding accessibility on the boat, please contact the Sea Mist at (203) 488-8905 (closed Tuesdays.)

For more information about the Keep Democracy Afloat event, please contact Christine Nilson at cnilson@ctmirror.org

For more information the Sea Mist and Sea Mist Charters, please visit www.thimbleislandcruise.com

Header photo courtesy of Thimble Islands Cruise.