We’re about a month away from our annual Mirror audience survey. It’s an opportunity for us to evaluate our operation and improve what we do every day in bringing you quality public-policy journalism.

Last year on the survey, a number of you asked if we could reset the support levels so you could give a smaller donation. So to close the annual feedback cycle, we listened, and this week we’re launching The Mirror Micro-Give.

How does it work? For the remainder of the summer, you will notice a pop-up on certain story pages that will ask you to support The Mirror at these smaller levels. It’s a three-step process, similar to the current donation platform, but at different levels. We still welcome support at higher levels so we thank you for any and all generous contributions.

If you’re an avid reader of other Connecticut media outlets, think of a small donation as what you would pay for a subscription. If you’re an advocate, think of a donation as a few cups of coffee in the Legislative Office Building during the session. If you’re a nonprofit that relies on our public policy coverage, you know how far $10, $20 or $25 goes to help your bottom line.

We made the process easy, so thank you for the feedback, and thanks again for your support.

Brett Orzechowski
The Connecticut Mirror/
The Connecticut News Project, Inc.