Posted inCT Viewpoints

School districts weaponize Child Protective Services

It seems that along with their duty to make referrals to Child Services to insure a child’s safety, school districts, in a misuse of power, are weaponizing threats of referrals in order to force parents to agree to programs and placements that they don’t feel are in the best interest of their children. This practice was the topic of an investigative report released by Hechinger & HuffPost and an article in Foundation for Economics and Education. Both led me to reflect on an incident in our town, approximately two years ago, while I was serving as an advocate for a parent and child.

Posted inCT Viewpoints

Let’s not punish school children for our racial biases

Recently the New Haven Board of Alders Education Committee held a public hearing on the issue of discipline in New Haven schools. Their specific concern was the disproportionate disciplinary actions in New Haven schools, involving minority and disabled students, many resulting in numerous suspensions, some involving police. However, this issue, affecting so many of our […]