Text the word “Taco” to the number 69866, and East Haven Mayor Joseph Maturo will end up with one on his desk: a group called Reform Immigration FOR America has promised to him send a taco for every text they receive.

This comes after four police officers were arrested in East Haven this week for the alleged racial profiling of the town’s Latino community. Asked Tuesday what he’d do to support the Latino population in East Haven, Mayor Maturo said: “I might have tacos when I go home, I’m not sure yet.”

“Tell Mayor Maturo we won’t stand for racial profiling and public displays of ignorance by our elected officials,” reads a post on the group’s Facebook page. “Text TACO to 69866 and we’ll send a taco to Mayor Maturo’s office this week.”

Maturo might end up with hundreds — as of 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, the Facebook post had 378 “likes.”

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