“At Lighthouse Park [in New Haven] around midnight you can hear the carousel running and little kids giggling,” reads a submission by a community member to the Shadowlands website, a place where people can submit personal accounts of haunted places.

Since 1994 until 2010, there were 183 submissions from Connecticut, with the highest number coming from New Haven at 10.

“Off of the Berlin turnpike there is an abandoned mental asylum surrounded by some woods.....if you go into it you can hear screaming and door slamming,” reads another submission.

And at St. Mary School in New London, “Some students have said that the basement, which used to be restrooms before about 2001, is haunted. Students who have gone down there alone have felt like they were being watched or were not alone. Also, urban legends state that the last three bathroom stalls in the basement were haunted. A janitor supposedly died in the bathroom. The basement bathrooms have been closed and the basement is no longer accessible to students.”

The Shadowlands website isn’t the only website documenting haunted places in Connecticut. GhostQuest and CT Haunted Houses also have a running list of submissions.

Meanwhile, there have been more than 2,000 reports of UFO sightings in the state since 1998, according to community submissions to the National UFO Reporting Center. Newington and Norwalk were the only towns having more than 60 UFO sighting reports.

“My wife and I were driving north of the CT 15, and I was looking at the super moon, all of the sudden this huge bright object appears from nowhere (V-shape) flying very slow towards the moon, then while I start looking for my phone to take a pic, the object was vanished like it never been there,” reads a submission from 2015.

And just two years ago in Southington, fireballs were reported. “Walking outside and seen on the sky 3 pulsating orange/red fire balls. Disappeared shortly afterwards. No noise.”

José is CT Mirror's data reporter, reporting data-driven stories and integrating data visualizations into his colleagues' stories. Prior to joining CT Mirror he spent the summer of 2022 at the Wall Street Journal as an investigative data intern. Prior to that, José held internships or fellowships with Texas Tribune, American Public Media Group, ProPublica, Bloomberg and the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas. A native of Houston, he graduated from the University of Texas with a degree in journalism.