Posted inPolitics

Republican delegates ‘like Mike’ and rain boos on Cruz

CLEVELAND — On a raucous night when delegates booed Ted Cruz for failing to endorse Donald J. Trump in a prime-time address, Mike Pence introduced himself to a national audience with a speech that touched lightly on abortion and made no mention of gay marriage, issues that Connecticut Democrats highlight and Republicans ignore, stressing Trump’s core themes of security and economic growth.

Posted inPolitics

Trump taps into angst of ’68, the foundation of gains for CT GOP

CLEVELAND — Richard Nixon, who opened a golden age of Republican presidential politics in Connecticut, promised a “silent majority” unnerved by assassinations, urban riots and war protests that “the long dark night for America is about to end.” Can Donald J. Trump do the same in an era of Twitter, 24/7 cable news, terrorism and police shootings?