Sen. Richard Blumenthal

Washington – The latest reports filed with the Federal Elections Commission show that Sen. Richard Blumenthal ended 2015 with nearly $4 million in his campaign account.

As of Dec. 31, Blumenthal had raised about $5.1 million for his re-election, about $1.2 million from political action committees or PACs. Included were donations from the GE PAC, which gave $6,000, and from the Pitney Bowes and Nestle Waters PACs.

The latest FEC report from the senator’s Republican opponent, August Wolf of Stamford, were not yet available. Wolf’s campaign reported raising about $345,000 as of Sept. 30.

Conservative commentator Larry Kudlow has not made decided whether to challenge Blumenthal –  he said he would make up his mind at the end of the month. But supporters have established a “testing the waters” PAC called “Jobs for Connecticut.”

As a 527 organization, the PAC does not file with the FEC, but with the Internal Revenue Service.

In its first, and latest filing, with the IRS, the Job for Connecticut PAC reported raising $30,550 as of Jan. 1.

Organized under Section 527 of the IRS code, a 527 PAC is tax exempt and created primarily to influence the election or defeat of a candidate or promote an issue.

Ana has written about politics and policy in Washington, D.C.. for Gannett, Thompson Reuters and UPI. She was a special correspondent for the Miami Herald, and a regular contributor to The New York TImes, Advertising Age and several other publications. She has also worked in broadcast journalism, for CNN and several local NPR stations. She is a graduate of the University of Maryland School of Journalism.

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