Posted inCT Viewpoints

Are you feeling great again yet?

On what planet, in which galaxy, in whose cosmos does the leader of a nation pat himself on the back with both hands for his handling of a pandemic virus that has caused more than 140,500 deaths in the United States (as of July 20), that is spiking across large swaths of our country, and that shows no signs of letting up anytime soon, much less fading away as he once claimed it would by now?

Posted inCT Viewpoints

Throwing older Americans under the pandemic bus

If you’re looking for empathy from your president and your name isn’t Paul Manafort (a convicted felon), Michael Flynn (who plead guilty to a felony), “Scooter” Libby (also a convicted felon), or Roger Stone (yet another convicted felon), forget about it. He’s all tapped out. The president’s publicaly expressed concern for the 75,000-plus Americans who have died as of May 8 from COVID-19 (according to the Centers for Disease Control) is underwhelming at best. The CDC also reports that eight of 10 of the victims are 65 or older.

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‘Fore’ more years for our Duffer-in-Chief?

In addition to playing politics, American Presidents play golf, hole after hole after hole. It is one of the few bipartisan activities left standing. Dwight D. Eisenhower hit them straight down the middle often, as did his successor, John F. Kennedy, who is purported to have been the best golfer to inhabit the White House. The nation’s biggest golfer, however, was William Howard Taft, who weighed in at more than 300 pounds.

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Only you can prevent global warming

It took me a long time to kick my addiction to plastic grocery bags. Years. Even after I dutifully acquired cloth carriers, I often would be halfway to the store before I realized I had left them in the car. I’d keep walking. Addiction to convenience and bad habits are hard things to break. I finally did the right thing not long before Connecticut put a price on using unsustainable plastic grocery bags in August: ten whole cents per offending sack.

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Our fake president

How fake is our president? Let’s count the ways. Remember his campaign pledge to “Drain the swamp?” Fortune Magazine recently reported that in less than three years our president “has named more former lobbyists to cabinet-level posts than his most recent predecessors did in eight, putting a substantial amount of oversight in the hands of people with ties to the industries they are regulating.”

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Have we no sense of decency?

From 1950 to 1954, an ill-informed, loudmouthed, bully politician — who lied, trafficked in conspiracy theories, and shamelessly defamed fellow Americans — set the tone in Washington, D.C. He destroyed careers and lives by going after alleged communists and homosexuals in high and low places. He denigrated national institutions, such as the U.S. Army and State Department. Now there’s another.