Posted inEnergy & Environment, Politics

Tara Cook-Littman: GMO activist becomes candidate

No one quite captured the zeitgeist at the State Capitol last year like Tara Cook-Littman. The founder of GMO Free CT used social media to rally foodies, environmentalists and consumer activists behind a successful crusade to require the labeling of genetically modified foods. Now, she wants to try public policy from the inside — as a legislator.

Posted inEnergy & Environment, Politics

Pols react as a grass-roots movement comes of age to force GMO labeling

With a deal that revives a bill requiring the labeling of genetically engineered foods, Connecticut’s legislative leaders Saturday acknowledged a movement that has muscled its way from the scientific fringe to political mainstream. Senate and House leaders announced a bipartisan compromise that is expected to make Connecticut the first state to require labeling of foods […]