Posted inCT Viewpoints

Lamont opposes the Killingly power project. So why doesn’t DEEP?

Gov. Ned Lamont has publicly stated his opposition to the Killingly Energy Center fracked-gas power plant construction sought by NTE, a Florida-based private equity firm.  The actions of this administration’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Commissioner, Katie Dykes, don’t match up with either the governor’s opposition to the plant or with his clean energy policy for Connecticut.

Posted inCT Viewpoints

Zoning and Connecticut’s future

Zoning reform groups, such as DesegregateCT, are introducing legislation that would make many of the changes that we in the private sector need in order to do so. Our state legislators must rise to the occasion and pass comprehensive zoning reform to protect Connecticut’s future. We need to be more flexible and creative in our approach to housing. Zoning should boost that creative flexibility, not block it.

Posted inCT Viewpoints

The Zoning Atlas — an important resource as Connecticut rethinks housing policies

Recently a coalition of zoning reform advocates, DesegregateCT, released the first interactive map in the country to document how all zoning districts in a single state treat housing. The groundbreaking Connecticut Zoning Atlas is likely to be one of the most important tools for planning our communities our state has ever seen.