Posted inMoney

Mirror/AARP Google Hangout on choosing an electric supplier

Join us for our third Google Hangout as we have a conversation about state laws intended to help people weigh the risks and benefits of choosing a third-party electric supplier versus staying with the standard offer provided by your local utility, Eversource or United Illuminating. Shop carefully. Some retailers are offering rates cheaper than the standard offer, but they charge enrollment fees that can quickly exceed the modest savings.

Posted inNews

A divided CT House passes retirement security legislation

The Democratic majority in the House of Representatives outlasted a Republican filibuster early Tuesday to pass legislation that would create a quasi-public authority to offer private-sector workers a retirement savings program. Gov. Dannel P. Malloy was non-committal on the bill, but says he favors a key provision: a mandated payroll deduction for retirement savings.

Posted inHealth

VIDEO: How to ensure CT residents can ‘age in place’

Ensuring that seniors can “age in place” – that is, receive long-term care at home or in their community, rather than in a nursing home – is a major policy goal of Connecticut leaders. In a Google Hangout video, experts discuss efforts to achieve it by addressing transportation, housing, home health care and workforce issues. In one Connecticut town, the high school football team also played a role. The hangout was sponsored by AARP Connecticut.